Too many chiefs and not enough Indians.....that's how the typical saying goes. But when it comes to this TB shit; There are plenty of Indians and not a single damn chief.
We have an infectious disease doctor through the health department that is mysteriously hidden behind nurses and protocols set forth by the CDC. Easy enough, right? Not when it's your child. I guess he's like Bosley and the nurses are Charlies Angels. (that is said purely sarcastically). Then we have our pediatrician. Yep, he's the be all end all of doctors in my current book, but he didn't order the damn drugs and is not the "attending" tuberculosis physician. So who is? The pulmonologist from Chapel Hill? The Infectious Disease doctor from Chapel Hill? And we have already seen a fine example of "I am in charge here but if you have a problem see another doctor". Case in point, the labs that the pulmonologist ordered because literature states that these TB drugs "can be highly toxic to the liver". I didn't make that shit up. But the health dept. doctor says "too bad, that's not our protocol and we ain't doin em"
So what does this crazy Mom do? Politely requests a copy of said protocol. And make that pediatric specific please.
My current complaint; Ollie's low grade fever is back. He has not had one since about day 3 of medication. One of my BIGGEST obstacles to getting anyone to believe me that he was still sick over the past few months was his lack of raging fever. Everyone expects small children to have fevers of 104. Not Ollie. Never did. So now that we are back in low grade fever territory, I take it seriously. Well la-ti-da.....who ya gonna call? Well not the nurse that gives the drugs...."not my problem, go see your pediatrician" Ok, i did make that shit up. What she really said was it's not a side effect of any of the medication. Maybe I am dyslexic but I know I read "immediately report any adverse side effects such as UNEXPLAINED FEVER". I didn't make that shit up either!
Can you see where I am going here? For a fleeting moment I felt bad for talking so much junk about the health department.
NO FEAR! That fleeting feeling has left the building!